After the birth of my beautiful Charlotte in 2011, I worked to reinvent myself as a stay-at-home mom. I decided it was time to refocus on health and wellness once again. Life was fuller, more meaningful, and I wanted to set a good example for my little one.
Eating healthy was a part of this, as well as exercising. The old saying “you shouldn’t put anything on your body that you wouldn’t put in it” came to my mind. Like most women, I liked my lotions and potions. We’d been together for years, and I couldn’t really believe that brand-name products I had used since adolescence could be doing me harm.

One afternoon my curious little girl made her way into my cosmetics basket without my noticing. Before I could stop her she had taken a big bite out of my deodorant. I reached for the container and nervously scoured the label for what I feared and found there: “poison, if ingested call poison control immediately.” Panicked I whisked her up, rinsed her mouth out, and thankfully found the missing deodorant chunk intact on the floor where she had spit it out. Close, close call. Too close for me, it was the last straw.
​Now the search began in earnest, I was determined to find natural products that I wanted and was going to use. There were natural products on the market, and there were also a lot of products pretending to be natural. My new motto was don’t use it if you can’t pronounce the ingredients. That ruled out more than half of the “natural” things on the shelves. It was frustrating.
Eventually I found products I really liked, but I couldn’t find a body lotion that was truly natural. Finally I gave up and started using organic virgin coconut oil on my skin, a “natural” super potion — I loved its incredible moisturizing properties and its intoxicating scent — it left me feeling silky smooth for hours! I knew that I was finally putting something on my body that I could put in it and getting the results I wanted without compromising my health.

One problem remained: it was completely impractical to use. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature so applying it involved shoving my hand into the jar, raking my fingernails through the oil, digging out a chunk, and emerging with a handful of white oil flakes which were melting at a rapid pace. I would quickly try to rub it on my skin while trying to avoid oil dripping on my carpet — I only succeeded about half the time. There had to be a better way…. And one night, I realized that there was.